Monday, August 11, 2008

Whats the trading system | ForexGen Tips

It seems that everywhere you look, you see advertisements for software promising accurate buyand sell signals and profits with every trade. Just have a look at some captions of the adverts Ihave seen!“I’ve Finally Cracked the Forex Code”“ Make thousand pips every month”“ Trade Forex with a secret formula that only a handful of Traders use”The list is endless.. These so-called killer systems don’t come cheap, costing you thousands tobuy. However with just a little bit of effort, you too can “crack this secret code” yourself.Once again let me assure you, from my experience and knowledge of being a trader for the past20 years, that there is “NO Secret Code”, “NO Killer Systems”, “NO Holy Grail”, and “No UniqueDiscoveries”.In my opinion most of these adverts are no more than scams. It may not make YOU rich, but itwill certainly make the Vendor’s millionaires. Most of these secrets and codes or discoveries arereadily available to you. The only secret is that YOU don’t know how to use these simplestrategies! Or nobody has shown you how to use them correctly.This is precisely what I am going to do in my book – “ The way to Trade Forex”, I hope to holdyour hand and show you step by step how to create a killer trading system of your own. However,the fact is that many traders are simply lazy and cannot make time to plan or create a system.YOU have a choice, either become a winning trader or continue to lose money!What Is a Trading System?A trading system is simply a group of specific rules, or parameters, that determine entry and exitpoints for your trade. These points, known as signals, are often marked on a chart in real timeand will prompt you to pull the trigger.Here are some of the most common tools used to construct a trading system-1. Chart Patterns1. Moving Averages1. Stochastics1. Oscillators1. Relative Strength1. Bollinger Bands10

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